Limiting beliefs and blocks are those things that constrain you or hold you back in some way.
Just by believing in our limiting beliefs, we hinder and block possible positive outcomes of situations and even things that we are manifesting on purpose into our lives. In doing so, you can get stuck in situations you do not want to be in... you can become plateaued.
What are limiting beliefs?
Limiting beliefs are commonly given to us by the outside world and we take them on as truths even when there is no truth to it. Limiting beliefs are often about ourselves and our self-identity. The beliefs may also be about other people and the world in general, but if they are created within ourselves or in an outside source they are still our limiting beliefs and blocks.
How do you know if you have a limiting belief? Limiting beliefs are hidden in your subconscious mind. The signs will be evident when you continuously come across obstacles and challenges on your journey that could move you forward towards your vision and goals. You will not be able to get past certain issues because you keep doubting yourself and or your worth. You are allowing the limiting beliefs and blocks to hold you back. These limiting beliefs are "blocking" your progress because your mind subconsciously has a limiting belief or block.
You may recognize you have a limiting belief in one of the following ways:
When you make excuses.
You may be afraid of failure.
When you try to be perfect.
When you complain about things often.
When you have frequent negative thoughts.
When you have habits that are self-sabotaging.
You worry about money.
When you worry uncontrollably for no reason
When you talk to yourself in limiting and negative ways.
When you jump to conclusions and/or make assumptions.
When you hesitate or talk about your fears.
When you procrastinate.
How to start your journey to ridding Limiting Beliefs and Blocks?
Write down one thing that you feel that you are holding yourself back on.
Under the answer from above write why are you holding yourself back...
Is there truth to the statement above?
If Yes...Switch it over to the opposite.
Example... I feel like I will not get the job I have always dreamed of.
I will not get that job because I am not educated enough.
Is there truth to that statement?
Yes, I think there is truth. (I do not have an advanced degree like most others have in that position)
Switch over: But I can do the job the same if not better than the others.
Now Visualize yourself in that position, as happy as you know you will be and what you think it will feel like.
Do this often!!
Example... I feel like I will not get the job I have always dreamed of.
I will not get that job because I am not educated enough.
Is there truth to that statement?
Now Visualize yourself in that position, as happy as you know you will be and what you think it will feel like.
Do this often!!
You can use this formula for anything!!!
This is just the beginning.
I go into detail in the 30 Day Self Perception Makeover Book!
This is a way to face your blocks and limiting beliefs head-on.

Get a copy of my book, "The 30 Day Self Perception Makeover"- The Ultimate Guide to small tweaks for HUGE success at Cathlene Miner

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