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Is Balance Really Possible?

On this LIVE training I am going to show you how to:

  • Ditch the FEELING of being tired and overwhelmed!

  • FEEL like your to do list is DOABLE with time left for you.

  • Eat right, exercise, and FEEL great about it.

  • Start to feel comfortable in the skin that you are in.

  • Get that amazing business idea up and growing!

It gets busy, I get it.  You feel like you don’t have time to “create” your life. Some days you’re just trying to get through the day.

You know there is more out there for you in this life.  You just do! But you can not put your finger on it!!

With my help balance IS possible for every one.




FREE 2 Day LIVE Training!

Enter your name and email and I will send you the details

Shape Your Business, Body and Life


I have been there before.  Raising a family ( I have  a husband, 4 children and now 2 grandchildren).  Feeling like my to do list was never ending. 

I remember trying to spread my attention out to everything and everyone so no one felt left out.  All that did was create more stress and NO time for me to spend time on me.  "Wouldn't that be selfish of me" to think about me??  NO.  Like they say, you can not pour from an empty cup. 

You also can not stay healthy if you don't spend time taking care of yourself like you do everyone else. 

And then there was the dreaded mirror!  I would think WHY does everyone look all put together?  Of course I was only focusing on my flaws! 

And there was my super exciting ideas for business!!  I have always had a creative, inventive, entrepreneurial mind.  So many ideas that I just kept putting on the back burner.  Maybe when my older two children get in school I'll start it?  Then... Maybe when the two little ones are older.... 

Always putting other people and other things before my dreams because well... I didn't need anything else to learn or do, remember, my plate was full.   

But, once I realized that ME, I am the one that makes this whole engine run.   If I started to get the help I needed and take inspired action everyone else I love will benefit too.

Show you how balance really is possible.

You see...

I have a very unique approach because it's all about balance and I I know that you can not have one area of your life in balance and ignore the rest.  I specialize and mentor in Manifesting, Fitness, Self Perception and Getting your Business Up and Growing. I work through my FOUR PILLAR signature flow because these have a HUGE impact on our personal and business lives.  When they are all flowing or even a work in progress you will know, the FEELING will be a sigh of relief, a weight off your shoulders and sometimes your body along with an in control feeling all at the same time.

Real Simple.Real Effective. 

because we are Real Woman

LIVE, July 21st and July 22nd

Full details when you sign up!

FREE 2 Day LIVE Training!

Shape Your

Business, Body and Life

Day 1

Pillar One: Motherhood/Family/Organization/Money

{Yes, Balance is possible}

Pillar Two: Health/ Manifest with Fitness™️.

Why what  you eat and your exercise or lack of is causing you to feel unmotivated and overwhelmed and how it affects how you are manifesting (creating) YOUR life.

Day 2

Pillar Three: Self Perception/Self Love/Passion/Intimacy

How the mirror can be your supporter or your enemy that's holding you back from your version of  success.

Pillar Four: Getting Your Business Up and Growing.

How putting off learning and taking inspired action of your ideas is doing you and everyone around you a disservice.

Meet You Host

Cathlene is a Wife, Mother of 4, Grandmother to 2. Author, Speaker, Philanthropist,  Charity Worker, Entrepreneurial Business Owner, Fitness and Self Perception Coach with over 25 years of experience.

Are you ready to

shape your life, body and business?

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